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In fidelity to our charism of unity in diversity we commit to live more simply, responsibly, and sustainably with one another and with all of creation.

Love Cannot Wait, Oct. 24, 2012


Landscape view of a field - Image from morguefile.comAs School Sisters of Notre Dame, we believe that we are deeply interconnected with the whole community of life and are especially responsible for the land that is in our care. With gratitude for God’s gifts of air, soil, water, plants, animals and humans in the Earth community, we wish to act with respect and reverence. To guide us in making decisions in our homes, ministries and bioregions*, we School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific Province have developed a Land Ethic Statement.

A Land Ethic Statement is a philosophy that serves as a guide with principles and suggested practices for living mindfully, simply and sustainably with all of creation. Individuals and groups can find positive actions for eco-living, food, health, land use, eco-literacy and advocacy.

We are happy to share this statement with you. Select a version of the Land Ethic Statement you wish to download:

English  |   Japanese

* Bioregion: an area constituting a natural ecological community with characteristic flora, fauna, and environmental conditions and bounded by natural rather than artificial borders.

You can see a map of Earth’s bioregions here.


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School Sisters of Notre Dame

320 East Ripa Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63125

Phone: 314-561-4100



© 2022 School Sisters of Notre Dame
