Laudato Si'

In 2015, Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato Si’ inspired and urged the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics and all people of good will to take urgent action against the injustice of the climate emergency and the ecological crisis, to protect the poor and future generations. The Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) was developed in response to Pope Francis’ call.
In fidelity to our charism and the mission to bring all to oneness, we have committed to live more simply, responsibly, and sustainably and to educate, advocate, and act in collaboration with others for the dignity of life and the care of all creation.
– SSND LSAP Public Commitment
In fidelity to our charism and the mission to bring all to oneness, we have committed to live more simply, responsibly, and sustainably and to educate, advocate, and act in collaboration with others for the dignity of life and the care of all creation.
- School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND)
LSAP Public Commitment
In 2021, SSND made the following commitment:
The Triune God impels us into the heart of the world to be women of peace, hope, and love. As a Laudato Si’ congregation, we embark on a seven-year journey towards an integral ecology. In fidelity to our charism and the mission to bring all to oneness, we commit to live more simply, responsibly, and sustainably and to educate, advocate and act in collaboration with others for the dignity of life and the care of all creation. Called to live our mission prophetically, we School Sisters of Notre Dame live and minister with the conviction that the world can be changed through the transformation of persons.
Foundation of our commitment
We understand that our greatest contribution to address climate change is to educate, advocate, and act in ways that lead to personal conversion and social transformation. It is essential to remember that at the heart of this initiative is a call to each of us to undergo the deeper process of ecological conversion. The call to ecological conversion is a commitment to participate in the healing of Earth, and to living in right relationship with all in our planet’s community of life.