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Craft Fair & Garage Sale - website header

Saturday, October 12, 2019
8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Our Lady of Good Counsel
170 Good Counsel Drive, Mankato, MN 56001
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On Saturday, Oct. 12, over 1,000 people visited Our Lady of Good Counsel in Mankato, Minnesota, to shop for crafts and goods made by sisters throughout the Central Pacific Province! While there, visitors could share a piece of apple pie and fond memories with friends, family and former SSND teachers.

To see photos from this event, visit our Facebook page.

Apple Pie

Unable to attend?

If you were unable to attend or would like to take your support a step further, please visit our VIRTUAL Apple Pie Café. A virtual piece of apple pie can be purchased for just $5, gets us closer to our goal! Don’t forget to visit our VIRTUAL Apple Pie Café!

Yes! I want to visit the
VIRTUAL Apple Pie Café!

Make sure to mark your calendar for next year’s Craft Fair and Garage Sale! The event is held on the second Saturday in October, and next year’s will be on Saturday, Oct. 10, 2020!

School Sisters of Notre Dame

320 East Ripa Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63125

Phone: 314-561-4100



© 2022 School Sisters of Notre Dame
