Two sisters at Mount Mary University
Nelson Mandela worked for peace and justice for all individuals. His work included striving to end the apartheid in South Africa, implementing a multiracial government, improving race relations and living conditions. Mandela died in 2013, but remains an inspiration to many today.
Sisters Comfort Anum and Zipporah Marigwa, from the Province of Africa, are studying at Mount Mary University in Milwaukee.
Sister Comfort Anum joined the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) in 2005, while living in Nigeria. Her work included serving in prisons as a mediator between inmates and their families. In 2015, Sister Comfort asked to come to Mount Mary University in Milwaukee to pursue a major in elementary education, a minor in psychology and a certificate in peace building. She plans to pursue a master’s degree in school counseling in the spring of 2020. While teaching first through fifth grade in Nigeria, Sister Comfort saw a need for education that provided a holistic approach that educated the whole person and supported the students’ families. She plans to use her education from Mount Mary University to continue to serve Nigeria’s families.
Sister Comfort has been inspired by Mandela’s inclusivity and work to create a sense of togetherness. His selflessness and peace-building are lessons that are global and enduring for all people.
Sister Zipporah Marigwa started the process of joining the School Sisters of Notre Dame while attending tenth grade in Kenya at a school sponsored by SSND. She was inspired by the availability and support of the sisters and her teachers while attending secondary school. She began to pursue a career in education to become a teacher. Nelson Mandela’s quote, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world,” inspired her on her journey.
She began her journey as a classroom assistant in Kenya. Later, she pursued two years of teacher training in Kenya, before coming to Mount Mary University. She is continuing her education studying elementary education. She looks forward to using her education to create individualized lessons for her students. She looks to Nelson Mandela as an example of courage and wisdom.
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