Reflections from a sister and associate

Central Pacific Province
2011 - 2021
Sister Dianne Perry and Mary Conarchy share their reflections of four provinces becoming one in June 2011. Once the Central Pacific Province was formed, Sister Dianne became a provincial councilor. While Mary Conarchy worked as a communications manager for the former Milwaukee Province. Mary later became a School Sisters of Notre Dame associate.
By Sister Dianne Perry

We had so many wonderful meetings using “Theory U” to listen to each other and take the deep dive into a new province. Wonderful ideas were generated, models of the most creative formats for us to carry our mission in living and ministering. As in the reality with all new adventures, the ideal needs to be lived into. I remember the challenge and struggle to implement ideas into actions. Sitting around the table designing the new province did not hold our feet to the fire of change. We had to slow down and listen and trust that what we imagined would come to fruition in due time. It was the meeting of spirit and flesh. I think one of the great lessons for us, certainly for me, was the invitation to let go and to find ways to support each other as we inched toward the reality of a new province. A line from You Are Sent that speaks of conversion sums it up for me, “We are all engaged in the same life-long process of conversion of heart, of return to love.” Our province is indeed a life-long process and the call to always return to love.

By Mary Conarchy, associate
When I was hired in 2005 to serve in communications for the former Milwaukee Province, what stood out about the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) was their warm welcome. I observed unity and love in a community that supported each person. Their commitment to carrying their mission forward was profound. As the quad provinces explored how to come together, members of the four provincial councils modelled the importance of building relationships and teamwork. Through many meetings and much planning, the leaders shared resources and programs to help sisters, associates and staff members prepare for a new province. Naturally, there were fears about what would change. We needed to be willing to let go of our individual approaches. As we shared and really listened to each other, we became open to new possibilities. The celebration of the Central Pacific Province’s foundation on the Feast of Pentecost, June 12, 2011, was joyful and memorable. In its first decade, the province continues to evolve and respond to the needs of our world. After my retirement in 2016, I kept in touch with sisters and associates and eventually covenanted as an associate in October 2019. I feel blessed to support the SSND mission and ministries.
Read more reflections and stories celebrating our 10 years as the Central Pacific Province.
Gratitude for 10 years