An Evening on the Emerald Isle: An SSND Signature Event

Saturday, April 25, 2020
5:30 to 9 p.m.
Sancta Maria in Ripa
Maria Center
336 East Ripa Avenue
Saint Louis, Missouri
Sponsorship Opportunities
Dublin Castle: $5,000
- Number of tickets - 8
- Prominent organization name or logo listed in event program
- Premium Table
- Recognition in social media
- Prominent logo/name with link on website
- Recognition from podium
- Organization name or logo featured in email invitations
- Recognition in e-newsletter
Kilkenny Castle: $2,500
- Number of tickets - 6
- Organization name or logo listed in event program
- Premium Table
- Recognition in social media
- Prominent logo/name with link on website
- Recognition from podium
St. Steven's Green: $1,000
- Number of tickets - 4
- Organization name listed in event program
- Premium Table
Cliffs of Moher: $500
- Number of tickets - 2
- Organization name listed in event program
In order to be included on event materials,
please respond by April 1, 2020.
Download Sponsorship Packet (PDF)
In order to be included on event materials, please register by April 1, 2020.
Online registration is no longer available. For availability, please contact:
Debbie Rohrich-Tyler at 314-633-7032.