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2020 in Review

Associates logoSchool Sisters of Notre Dame Associates

The pandemic threw us for a loop in the spring, but then we found new ways to connect with each other, the sisters and those we serve. We invite you to watch this short video that highlights the past year.

The associates of the Central Pacific Province would like to share their 2020 highlights and statistics. Photo provided by Anne Carey, Director for Associates. Here are a few facts from the year:

  • 315 associates
  • 10 new associates
  • 7 deaths
  • Associates gathered in 13 states, Guam and Japan.

We are grateful for the support of the sisters and staff throughout 2020!

Related stories:
  • Food for the soul in Magnolia, Mississippi Born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, Glenn Ingrassia learned Cajun cooking from his mother, Eleanor. Recently retired and with the support of their parish, Glenn, with the help of his wife Associate Christine, started cooking a free meal once a month for anyone that passed by the parish hall in Magnolia, Mississippi. Read more…
  • "The more you know" Chris Ingrassia, SSND associate, shares how Mississippi associates' group has begun to learn more about racial injustice by utilizing Just Faith’s learning modules. So far, the group has participated in the Faith and Racial Healing module with plans to continue expanding their education. Read more...
  • SSND associates take a stand against human trafficking Associates throughout the Central Pacific province are taking a stand against human trafficking through prayer, education and helping those who are impacted. Three human trafficking conferences were held in St. Louis, Elm Grove, Wisconsin, and Chatawa, Mississippi, in an effort to educate associates. Read more...

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School Sisters of Notre Dame

320 East Ripa Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63125

Phone: 314-561-4100



© 2022 School Sisters of Notre Dame
