Experience Together

Explore Handmade Treasures

Sisters peeling apples for baking piesThe role of fine arts has always been important in the lives and ministry of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. From the beginning, Blessed Theresa understood the importance of needlework in helping children learn to focus their attention. She had witnessed the discipline of following directions and struggling to learn eye-hand motor coordination which, when mastered, resulted in increased self-esteem for children.

Two centuries later, the School Sisters of Notre Dame continue to practice and share their talents at the 37th annual Craft Fair and Garage Sale, Saturday, October 13 at Our Lady of Good Counsel campus in Mankato, Minnesota.  From 8:30 am until 2:00 pm visitors to the Hill are invited to explore the richness and talents of the sisters as they offer handmade items for sale. All proceeds will support the mission and ministries of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

Sisters working on their crafts during eventHandcrafted items for sale include knitted and crochet items, quilted blankets, embroidered towels and hardanger.  Other items include ceramics, cards, jewelry, artwork and wood sculpture pieces. African and Guatemalan handicraft items from the SSND missions will also be available.

Shop for the homemade pies, cakes, cookies and breads, candies, jellies, soup mixes and noodles first since these items go quickly!

Lunch is available from the Catholic Order of Foresters who offers a matching fund program to benefit SSND. On your way out, be sure to stop at the Apple Pie Cafe for a slice of fresh apple pie with cinnamon ice cream.

What handmade item do you treasure? What memories does it hold?

Photo Credits: Karla Mayer, staff

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