Advent 2020: A new perspective |
A lot has changed in 2020, but our faith and traditions carry us through these trying times. As we prepare for holidays that may be very different from other years, Advent takes on a new meaning. With a change in perspective, this time can not only prepare us for the birth of Christ, but also for all the new things coming in the New Year. Sister Lynne Schmidt says, “In this time of pandemic, we sisters, like many of you, have learned to adapt how we respond to needs and how we continue to do the work that has been entrusted to us.” Read More »
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Mount Mary University and SSND charism |
Mount Mary University (MMU) in Milwaukee is a long-standing ministry of the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND). The school was founded in 1872. While the school was once operated by SSND it is now a sponsored ministry, where SSND maintains a dynamic relationship. Though the times have changed, MMU still lives the SSND charism. The president of MMU, Dr. Christine Pharr, acknowledges the deep history SSND has with MMU, “I believe that Blessed Theresa and Mother Caroline are there supporting us, they believed in what we’re doing and I want to make sure we continue the charism they began.” Learn More »
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Are you preparing for Christmas or “Consumas?” |
We live in a country that too often celebrates “Consumas” rather than Christmas, consumerism rather than the Christ child. Sister Jeanne Wingenter shares her thoughts on what the meaning of Christmas should be, which “is bringing the spirit of Jesus, the spirit of love, compassion, forgiveness, honesty, acceptance and justice, to birth over and over again. My prayer is that God may be born again in us throughout every day of our lives, and may Christmas remind us of that reality and give us cause for special celebration.” Read More »
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join us virtually in dallas |
Register now for the virtual Dallas Women’s Leadership Luncheon on March 23, 2021. Speaker Janette Monear, President/CEO of Texas Trees Foundation, will discuss urban forestry and how it relates to Care of Creation.
Racial justice education and engagement |
Learn about the School Sisters of Notre Dame racial justice education and engagement initiative. The program featured weekly webinars, faith-sharing sessions and related resources.
End-of-year giving |
During this season of giving, your gifts can impact the lives of children, women and those most in need. Support the work of School Sisters of Notre Dame with a donation today!
#GivingTuesday |
You still have time to make a gift in support of the School Sisters of Notre Dame and their mission for Care of Creation.
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Thank you for subscribing to our monthly eNewsletter! Our next issue will be January 6, 2020. For past issues, visit our eNewsletter Archives. |
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