Experience Together

Volunteers on the Hill

Sisters and students, young and old, male and female – volunteers on Our Lady of Good Counsel campus come in all ages, shapes and sizes. Students from Loyola Catholic School get to know the sisters better as they  work their service hours at the sisters’ residence.

With the return of the service program at Loyola Catholic School (LCS) last year, students have been regularly volunteering at the sisters’ residence where they earn service hours in conjunction with their Christian Education class.

Loyola Volunteers 2012-2013
Since the beginning of the school year, 13 high school students  come once a week during class to spend 20 to 30 minutes  volunteering. Food service director Jana Larson sees a difference in the students from the beginning to the end of the school year. “I like to see the change in the kids, and how comfortable they become with the sisters,” Jana said. “Their work ethic improves. The employees also learn how to work with youth, and have a chance to understand a younger generation.”

Student Volunteer and Sister VisitingThe sisters’ library benefitted from student volunteers; all the shelves and books were cleaned and dusted. In healthcare, students distribute coffee and snacks during activity time, and also worked one-on-one with sisters, visiting, doing puzzles and even working with an I-Pad.

Sister volunteers also travel between buildings and are involved with Loyola Catholic School. Sisters currently serve on LCS boards, regularly volunteer in the classrooms, lunchroom and on the playground.

An author wrote, “You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” The student and sister volunteers show with their actions that community thrives on Good Counsel Hill.

Photo: The Loyola Catholic School volunteers were recognized at the noon meal with
the sisters on May 10. Ten of the 13 Loyola Catholic School volunteers are shown
here with Superintendent/Principal Shelley Schultz (left) and their teacher, Valerie Koch.
Photo credit:  Sister Mary Kay Ash


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