Experience Together

Pray, Fast and Act

As a province that was founded by immigrants, for the purpose of serving immigrants, and continues to minister with and for immigrants to this very day, it is incumbent upon us to use all of our congregational resources to assist in this effort to fix our immigration laws and pass comprehensive immigration reform now. ~Central Pacific Provincial Council Letter to the Sisters of the Province 9/5/2013

School Sisters of Notre Dame are joining people across the nation in “FastAction for Immigration Reform”—to pray, fast and act for just and humane Immigration Reform. This is a campaign of fasting, prayer and action, taking place from now through October 18. Lupe Valdez, Simone Campbell, Gilda BruceOur hope is to transform our hearts and the heart of our country for just and humane immigration reform.

In solidarity with our immigrant brothers and sisters, we are asked to FAST from one meal or fast for a day or fast every week.

To learn more go to http://fastaction.us

SHARE your reflections or experiences or actions on your prayer and fasting.

What are your questions? How will you respond?

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