Experience Together

Birthday Butterfly

Sister Mary Faith Parkinson 85th Birthday CelebrationSister Mary Faith Parkinson had a big surprise on the last day of school at St. Mary Queen of Saints Catholic Academy in West Allis, Wisconsin. She was presented with a huge 85th Birthday Butterfly card, signed by all the teachers and 200 students of the school. Later, at the eighth grade graduation party, everyone honored her with a bouquet of balloons, birthday cake and a “Happy Birthday” serenade!

Since 2000 Sister Mary Faith volunteers in the school office. In addition to serving as assistant community leader for Notre Dame of Elm Grove Community (2006-2012), twice a week she volunteers in the school office. As a long-time teacher and principal, Sister Mary Faith loves her continuing role in education ministry…offering support to teachers and students, as needs arise on a busy school day. Everyone at the Academy appreciates the warmth and Irish wit that Sister Mary Faith exudes. Mutual love and respect are ever evident. Sister Mary Faith says, “I have been grateful to be here for 12 years and as long as I’m blessed with good health, I plan to continue serving.”

How will you surprise someone today?

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