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Living out the works of mercy in their everyday life

Praying for the living and the dead

Father Chris Gernetzke & Associate Judith Gregor
Father Chris Gernetzke and Associate Judith Gregor
By Associate Judith Gregor – Wisconsin

I have a leadership position with the Daughters of Isabella in Baraboo, Wisconsin. The Daughters of Isabella organization is the female counterpart of the Knights of Columbus. Both organizations are dedicated to praying for life issues.

A very moving experience for me is traveling to Madison, Wisconsin, with fellow Daughters of Isabella to pray outside of the Planned Parenthood clinic. We pray for the deceased aborted children, and we pray for those mothers who are considering abortion.

Hopefully, praying for life at Daughters of Isabella meetings, Knights of Columbus gatherings, and while walking prayerfully around the Planned Parenthood clinic causes people to pause and think about the best life-giving decisions.

This action of praying for the living and dead gives an opportunity to express my faith and hope for the world by choosing life-giving and uplifting actions.

Daughters of Isabella installation of officers, 2016-2017
The Daughters of Isabella officers who serve at St. Joseph Parish in Baraboo, Wisconsin.

Photos courtesy of Kathleen Mueller Photography

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