Prayer and reflection in the Twin Cities
By Sister Adaire Lassonde
School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) located in the Twin City area desired to be of support during the protest as a result of the death of George Floyd. It was decided to come together in prayer and reflection. On short notice Sisters Catherine Bertrand and Lynore Girmshied organized a prayer service. Associate Chris Sorensen and I offered our front yard which has a Peace Pole, to gather with masks and proper distancing. Twenty-seven sisters and eight neighbors attended. Sisters from North Dakota, Missouri and Rome prayed with us.
After not seeing each other for many months, it was necessary for some of us to try to figure who was behind the mask. It was good to be together to chat and catch up, and then to turn our focus to contemplate on where our hearts are now, what is our heart's desire in this reality, and what is being asked of us in this moment. After time for personal reflection, there was a period of sharing with one other person.
This gathering took place on Pentecost Sunday, May 31, a reminder that the breath of the spirit was given to all – all nations, all people, no one special group. My privilege as a white person should not exist. We as SSND, an international congregation, want to help make that a reality.
As stated in our SSND Shalom International Document,"...we work actively toward enhancing just structures that foster fullness of life and toward changing unjust structures that inhibit it."
Read the SSND Central Pacific Province Council statement on racism.