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Melanie Walker is a health services worker at Sancta Maria in Ripa in St. Louis. Her work with the sisters, helping with medicine and sisters in hospice has been a struggle during COVID-19.

Melanie Walker is a Health Services worker for the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) at Sancta Maria in Ripa in St. Louis. She has been working with the sisters for roughly two-and-a-half years. Her daily tasks include: checking in the sisters' medicine from the pharmacy; distributing medicine to sisters; assisting sisters with bandage changes; caring for sisters staying in the infirmary, which includes hospice patients; and cleaning the infirmary rooms and office areas, as needed. Melanie shares, “My favorite part of working at SSND is interaction with the sisters. They are wonderful people and always so appreciative.”

Working during Covid-19 has been very difficult for Melanie because of having to greatly limit contact with the sisters. However, it also motivates her. She says, “I want to help in every way I can and because I am grateful to still be able to work when so many people can't.”

Melanie stays positive and truly loves her job. She states, “It's a blessing to work where I know I'm making a difference in the lives of sisters.”


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School Sisters of Notre Dame

320 East Ripa Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63125

Phone: 314-561-4100



© 2022 School Sisters of Notre Dame
